Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Thought for the Day, #71

Bringing more people out of the closet accomplishes the things she hoped would happen with [the legalization of gay] marriage: a breakdown of internalized homophobia, an antidote to a feeling among some gay teenagers that being gay is the "end of their whole life."

She is Edie Windsor, whom Time magazine describes as "the matriarch of the [modern] gay movement." 

In 2010, Windsor sued the U.S. "government for a $363,053 refund of the estate taxes she had to pay when her spouse [Thea Spyer] died [in 2009]."  Windsor and Dryer had been together since 1963.  This past year, Windsor won her case, opening the door to the downfall of the Defense of Marriage Act and the legalization of gay marriage in a number of other states in the U.S.

From "Edith Windsor: The Unlikely Activist," Time, December 23, 2013, p. 102-115.     

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